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In this edition ...

Back at Aquanale 2021

Aquanale is undoubtedly the leading trade fair in the pool business industry and the keenly anticipated high point of the pool world every two years. Cologne is where the main players gather from all over Europe and compete in an arena that involves a great many aspects – the size of their stand, the quality of their craftsmanship, their innovative design ideas, the demo pool they have on display, and lots more.

Berle Pool makes dream come true

The picturesque Danish town of Hornbek is famous for its beautiful beaches and gorgeous countryside, creating the perfect combination for undisturbed relaxation. However, for most of the year the sea is too cold to swim in, so having their own private pool installed was an obvious choice for the Larsen family. The available options of variable configuration meant that they were able to literally create their own oasis of peace and quiet amidst the breath-taking scenery.

Face to face with Niveko's marketing team

Creative work is their daily bread; they let you peek into the oven from time to time, but what’s baking is always worth the wait. Who are we talking about? The NIVEKO Marketing Department! What do they do? They come up with ideas that you won’t find elsewhere, seek out new and original means of promotion and move in to score the brand goals.

Product video behind the Scenes

NIVEKO’s aim has always been to take a step in a new direction, to stand out from the competition and to make an impression with an unexpected idea. Our pools offer outstanding configuration potential and are available in various types, making them unique in our field. This corporate philosophy has also been followed by the NIVEKO marketing department in making the new company video. Read on for a look at how the entire project originated.